Facebook Never Forgets a Face…

…until you tell it to that is.

Recently, Facebook released  a feature that “auto-suggests photos of you to friends”? In simple terms this means that if I upload a picture of you then Facebook will auto prompt me to tag you as opposed to the old style manual tagging.

So if you’ve been tagged in dozens of photos on Facebook and a friend of yours uploads one more, Facebook will (theoretically at least) suggest that friend identify you in that picture.

Of course, your friends don’t have to take Facebook’s suggestion and tag you. If they do, Facebook sends you an alert so you can remove the tag. But at least Facebook have offered you a way to stop this in the first place.

Here’s how:

  • Access Facebook and go to the Privacy Settings – top right hand corner under account.

  • Select, if you haven’t already, the Custom tab on the left hand side and then “Customize settings” link in the middle towards the bottom.

  • Scroll down to “Suggest photos of me to friends” and click edit settings next to it.

  • Change the enabled to disabled and then click OK.

Now click the Okay button and you’re done.

Are you concerned about Facebook’s seemingly endless invasion of your privacy?

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