- It occurred to me lately that nothing has occurred to me lately. #
- Installing Atlassian JIRA 4.3 in one minute | BeeWorks http://bit.ly/ewUHuD #
- Google Goes Gaga… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNa_-1d_0tA #
- @kolofsen Thanks for RT. The BeeWorks scripts work very well; I've used both his previous JIRA & Confluence ones with great success. #
- TechRepublic: "Some tech pros would sacrifice pay to telecommute": http://tek.io/gY9zmx …Doesn't seem that surprising really; I would've #
- "Gen Y: The IT depts' worst nightmare?" http://zd.net/evprzV #
- "Gen Y and IT management: It's not all that complicated" http://zd.net/e3PkWY #
- Vagrant – Create and manage virtualised VirtualBox environments. I need to check this out http://bit.ly/dHrgYb #
- Is there life before breakfast? #
- Free Akismet Alternatives | Themergency http://bit.ly/gA7xca #
- Defensio: http://bit.ly/fe1Ljp This looks like the best Akismet alternative #
- @koobits Where does Koobits store the ebooks I download? Can't find them in MyDocs or under Program Files. #
- @successfulsw has an interesting "Interview with a cracker" http://wp.me/p3W2F-196 #
- Jitbit: Chinese Magical Hard-Drive http://bit.ly/g3ZWQw …Be careful of those Chinese "bargains"! #
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