• I've given this email every chance, and it still isn't answering itself. Sigh. #
  • "If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right" #seinfeld #
  • "This inbox isn't half full, it's fully empty!" ~ celebrating inbox zero with @helpspot. Definitely liking v3's little "easter eggs"… #
  • @helpspot A new server, a fresh DB. It's like discovering HS all overagain. Cfg'ing/using it differently. Making workday far more efficient #

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  • Two VPS's finished today! One for Confluence (Intranet) and one for HelpSpot (support system). Two tasks left for too long! Good end to week #
  • …now can finally update to @Helpspot 3 now it is off shared hosting! It looks amazing tho, worth the wait!! Can't wait to start tweaking.. #
  • I hate it when there's some electronic chirp or boink or tap I don't recognise and I have no idea which of the devices in the room did it! #

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  • "If I hadn’t given my money away, I’d have more than anyone else on the planet. Ninety-nine per cent of it will go." http://t.co/8er8b7S2 #
  • "Happiness is not having what you want but wanting what you have." Anonymous #
  • Uppercut; or, Fight Club come to Silicon Valley. #
  • @cdsmythe Machine gun preacher is at Living Waters. Not sure what time though. #
  • Modern crime: glacier theft. http://t.co/6uKnU9O9 #

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