Recently, after setting up a number of new machines with Office 2013, I discovered one had the wrong product key and needed to be changed. The easiest and quickest way I found to change it was from the command line.

Open up a Command Prompt (Press the Windows Button and type CMD or navigate to All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt).  Then you just need to use the command below that matches your OS.


For 32 bit Windows:

[geshi lang=”winbatch” nums=”0″ target=”_self” ]

cscript “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS” /inpkey:yourproductkeyhere


For 64 bit Windows (assuming you are using 32 bit Office):

[geshi lang=”winbatch” nums=”0″ target=”_self” ]

cscript “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS” /inpkey:yourproductkeyhere


Obviously, you need to replace yourproductkeyhere with your actual Office product key.


Note:  If you are installing a 64 bit version of Office on 64 bit Windows, the command for 32 bit Windows should be used (or just delete the (x86) part since it won’t be installing to the C:\Program Files (x86)\ directory).


This is just one of those things I get asked all the time, so I’m putting a quick post here.

·         Go to settings on your iPad.

·         Select the “Mail, Contacts, Calendar” option.

·         You will now be shown a list of e-mail accounts. Select the one that represents your [email protected] account.

·         Click the Advanced settings option, located at the bottom of the screen.

·         You should now see a screen similar to the following:


·         Check under “Incoming Settings” where it says Delete from server, circled above.
·         It will most likely say Never on your iPad to. Tap it and change to Seven daysfrom the pop-up menu.

·         Press the Home button to return to the Home screen.

[geshi lang=”dos” nums=”0″ target=”_self” ]

C:\Users\administrator.SERVER>net user /domain <actual username> | find “Account active”

Which will return one of the following results:

Unlocked: Account active               Yes
Locked:     Account active               Locked

I needed to fix a small client network this week that had lost access to QuickBook’s on their server. A quick Google and this TechRepublic article gave me the port information I needed to get them back up and running again. I also discovered that Intuit have a “Network Diagnostic Tool” available to help diagnose QB networking issues. I tried it this week and it seems to work well enough – run it with admin rights and it can open the ports in the Windows Firewall for you.

Anyway, for future reference the firewall ports for QB 2009 to 2012 are:

QuickBooks 2009

  • Pro: ports 80, 8019, 56719, and 55333 through 55337
  • Premier: ports 80, 8019, 56719, and 55333 through 55337
  • Enterprise: ports 80, 8019, 56719, and 55333 through 55337

QuickBooks 2010

  • Pro: ports 80, 8019, 56720, and 55338 through 55342
  • Premier: ports 80, 8019, 56720, and 55338 through 55342
  • Enterprise: ports 80, 8019, 56720, and 55338 through 55342

QuickBooks 2011

  • Pro: ports 80, 8019, 56721, and 55343 through 55347
  • Premier: ports 80, 8019, 56720, and 55338 through 55342
  • Enterprise: ports 80, 8019, 56721, and 55343 through 55347

QuickBooks 2012

  • Pro: ports 80, 8019, 56722, and 55343 through 55352
  • Premier: ports 80, 8019, 56722, and 55348 through 55352
  • Enterprise: ports 80, 8019, 56722, and 55348 through 55352


I needed a quick script to get the IP and MAC addresses of some Linux routers from a shell script today.

After a bunch of googline around, I came up with the following solution:

[geshi lang=”bash” nums=”0″ target=”_self” ]

# Get IP and MAC address

IP=(ifconfig 3g-wan | egrep -o ‘([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}’ | sed -n ‘1p’)
MAC=(ifconfig wlan0 | egrep -o ‘([[:xdigit:]]{2}[:]){5}[[:xdigit:]]{2}’)

echo “IP Address: $IP”
echo “MAC Address: $MAC”



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